28 May 2020
Media: Local Democracy Reporter
Topic: Polynesian Spa admission fees
I was wondering if you could please shed some more light on the discussion surrounding the decision to raise prices at Polynesian Spa? I'd like to do a story on it but want to include the context for the decision of course.
Could you please provide me with the rationale presented by Polynesian Spa / council officers and a summary of the discussion among councillors on the topic?
The following information was provided:
Council does not set or propose the fees/fee changes but any admission fee changes proposed by Polynesian Spa are required to be approved by Rotorua Lakes Council under council's Memorandum of Lease with Polynesian Spa Limited.
Council has no role in setting the nature or direction of any proposed increases and cannot unreasonably reject a proposed fee change.
Proposed fee changes that go to elected members for approval are dealt with in confidential due to commercial sensitivity under Section 48 (1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and the particular interest or interests protected by Section 6 or 7 of the Act or Sections 6, 7 or 9 of the Official Information Act 1982 as the case may require.
You would need to speak with Polynesian Spa regarding their rationale for fee changes.