25 September 2019
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Environment Court hearing re PC10
I have been provided copies of the attached letters. I understand they were raised at the council's final meeting and then discussed in a public-excluded setting. [See letters referred to HERE and HERE]
What is Geoff Williams' response to
1 - Federated Farmers' claims the council consulted and supported groups seeking a nitrogen allocation approach and that staff and councillors kept a decision to support this approach secret for some time?
2 - Federated Farmers' claims the council had spent $700,000 on the PC10 change process by April 2019.
3 - The legal opinion that council staff and subsequently councillors a) failed to understand and apply the engagement policy, b) acted unreasonably and irrationally and c) failed to engage with affected communities about the nitrogen allocation decision and Environment Court costs.
What is mayor Steve Chadwick's response to
1 - Federated Farmers being "very disappointed that the council has not been engaging transparently and fully with the rural sector" and that they "could not understand how the council could take a position so detrimental to the rural community... without consulting those in the rural community".
2 - The legal opinion that council staff and subsequently councillors a) failed to understand and apply the engagement policy, b) acted unreasonably and irrationally and c) failed to engage with affected communities about the nitrogen allocation decision and Environment Court costs.
Finally, we are wanting to know the date of any apology issued, or if the council intended to issue one.
From CE Geoff Williams:
We are in the middle of a judicial process so I will not be commenting at this time.
From Mayor Steve Chadwick:
It would be inappropriate for me to comment on legal matters that are still underway.
NOTE: See Environment Court interim decision HERE. See previous release from Federated Farmers regarding interim decision HERE and release from BOP Regional Council regarding interim decision HERE
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Skate park
I'm told our new skate park will be built in Kuirau Park opposite the new market area which sounds fabulous.
Can you please provide me some information around the following ...
1. What is the final budget for the skate park? Is it still $750,000 plus seeking funding? (approved in May last year)
2. If you are seeking funding how can people help? Who will you look to? Who drives the funding plea?
3. Do you have updated plans of what you hope it will look like, or shall we use the same ones we had previously? In this link I think is the latest we have used which is pretty old: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/rotorua-daily-post/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503438&objectid=12032457
4. The tender process is now closed I see - has the tender been awarded? Who got it?
5. When will work start?
6. When will it be finished?
7. What will it mean for the city? Can someone from the council (Rob Pitkethley?) provide us with any quotes about how it will be an awesome and much needed attraction etc?
8. Feel free to add anything else you think is relevant and helpful
9. What will happen to the old skate park on corner of Ranolf and Amohau St?
Response from Sport, Recreation and Environment Manager Rob Pitkethley -
"The skate park (that caters for skateboards, scooters, roller skaters and trick bikes) within Kuirau Park would extend on the no cost, family-friendly offerings that this park currently provides and connect youth and family groups with other recreational activities close to the park including the Aquatic Centre and CyWay. Rotorua has some wonderful community skate park facilities that encourage beginners and mid-range skaters. This new facility will provide a progression from beginners through to features for advance skaters, which is currently lacking in Rotorua."
Background info for your information:
-During the 2018-2028 Long Term Plan consultation, Council signalled to the community that the inner city skate park could be incorporated into the overall design for Kuirau Park upgrades.
-Once approved, the Plan provided funding of $750,000 to further investigate the location and design of the new skate facility and initiate the build within Kuirau Park.
-A project team made up of Council staff, community advisors, an urban skate park designer and landscaper will now work together to develop a concept design ready for construction which is scheduled later in 2020.
-Amongst other benefits, building the skate park within Kuirau Park means Council can capitalise on the upgrades already going on at the reserve. We know that the current skate park needs more parking and upgraded facilities such as toilets, both of which are already available and part of the staged Kuirau Park development. The budget for the skate park build is still set at $750,000 with philanthropic funding to be sought to complete the build.
-Council will apply to a number of local and national funds that support community projects.
-The initial concept designs were created for Sheaf Park. While individual aspects of those designs may be used at Kuirau Park, a new design will be required to suit the new location. A new design will be created with the help of our community advisors and taking into account feedback from the community, including nearby residents and businesses, based on the initial design.
-The old skate park at Sheaf Park will be removed and we are currently investigating other recreational uses for this site.
-An expression of interest (EOI) process was used to gain an understanding of local capability and preliminary costing. *Tender process still to come.
-No dates for the project have been confirmed. Project timing and a final budget will depend on availability of resources and further geotech results. Ideally, the project team would like to see movement on the development before the end of this financial year.
Media: TV One
Topic: Sister City Beppu
Reporter sought to interview Mayor Chadwick for use on tonight's 6pm news bulletin about Rotorua's sister city relationship with Beppu which is currently hosting the All Blacks.
The sister city bond between Rotorua and Beppu also featured on TVOne news last night.
Mayor Chadwick was asked what was special about Rotorua's relationship with Beppu and talked about the 32-year relationship being based on the common grounds of hospitality, tourism and geothermal and more lately a shared passion for rugby. She was also asked about Beppu's number one citizen Kenji Nishi's passion for rugby and the bamboo rugby ball gift presented to Rotorua by Beppu in 2016.