25 March 2020
Media: Local Democracy Reporter
Topic: Pound dogs during COVID-19 lockdown
I'd like to do a story to assist with the effort to foster out dogs at the pound.
I've pitched it like this: Meet the pooches you could foster to get through lockdown
- the council is trying to foster out remaining dogs at the pound. If possible, keen to do a story about that and the dogs available. Can talk to a psychologist re why animals are such a comfort at times like this.
First of all, I'll need to clarify if you only have today to get all the dogs fostered, or if they're all fostered already then we wont do the story.
Provided those things aren't an obstacle (ie if dogs can only be fostered today there won't be much point) can you assist me with this today please?
I will need someone speaking to the dogs available and their personalities, the requirements of a foster home/carer, and how people can best get in touch to help.
I would also like photos of the dogs to use with the story.
Just confirmed with the Animal Control team that all dogs that were needing fostering have people lined up. So thank you for the offer but the team are all over it. We have had a lot of people sharing the post yesterday which resulted in a lot of previous foster homes putting their hand up again.