24 September 2020
Media: Local Democracy Reporter
Topic: Council applications for 'shovel-ready' funding
*NOTE: this is a follow-up from the reporter's enquiry yesterday re RLC projects submitted to CIP for shovel-ready funding [See HERE].
Could I please have a comment from Steve on this too?
Q: Are you disappointed only two out of eight shovel-ready projects [I'm including Kaingaroa to make eight] got CIP funding?
Will it be a challenge, and if so in what way, to seek funding from other sources for those other projects? What are those other sources?
The following information and comment was provided:
There is more about RLC's submission for funding to the CIP HERE which includes a link to a summary of each project submitted. This will provide more info/background/context for you, and see comment from the mayor below:
From Mayor Steve Chadwick:
In recent years Central Government has invested heavily in Rotorua and this CIP process was an additional opportunity for us, but we certainly didn't expect to get funding for all projects we submitted to this pool of funding.
The projects submitted are already in our long-term planning, with funding attached for some in our 2018-28 Long-term Plan and intentions to seek private investment for others, like the proposed lakefront and forest commercial buildings. The CIP process was an opportunity to instead have some of these projects funded through Central Government and accelerated in terms of timeframe.
So we are pleased with the funding we have received as part of this process, and will keep exploring funding options and opportunities as they arise. Rotorua faces some tough challenges, many exacerbated by COVID, and we will keep talking to, and working closely with, Central Government to ensure ongoing support for our community.