23 March 2018
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Murals for Te Puna Akoranga o Ngati Whakaue
- Why was it decided to contract three artists to work on murals to be installed at Te Puna Akoranga o Ngati Whakaue?
- What will be the benefits/plus sides to having these murals in this location?
- Did the murals have to portray a particular theme?
- Were these three artists selected for a particular reason?
- Why do you encourage to check them out once they are finished?
- With the artists being contracted, how much are the murals costing?
- When are the murals looking to be installed?
From Marc Spijkersbosch, Rotorua Lakes Council, Community Arts Advisor:
There are 3 artists painting 11 murals.
Te Puna Akoranga o Ngati Whakaue contacted me about the possibility of working with their tamariki on murals for the concrete fence which runs along their front boundary. Given the walls high profile and location, this was an opportunity to brighten up a key entranceway to the city and tell our stories and legends.
Given the major upgrade to Kuirau park this wall will potentially enjoy increased profile from locals and visitors to the city.
After consultation with Te Puna Akoranga o Ngati Whakaue it was decided that the legends and stories of Te Arawa would be most appropriate and well received.
These three talented artists are recent Toi Ohomai graduates who have a good grounding and experience in community art projects. They are specifically skilled in working with our tamariki and their whanau.
The murals have been painted via a community process which allowed for wide participation and so ownership is therefore inherent. They are vibrant and colourful and tell some of our local stories. These three new murals will be a welcome addition to the city's public art collection.
Approx $6,000 which was funded from Rotorua Lakes Council Community Arts.
All going well, these should be installed by the end of next week.