22 June 2018
Media Enquiries
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Developments at Waipa
A reporter looking to do an update on Waipa Valley developments sought general update from RLC perspective.
The following information, from Open Spaces Manager Rob Pitkethley, was provided:
- The bypass road is complete.
- Upgrade of Waipa State Mill Road, including sealing of road verges to provide more roadside carparking spaces for Waipa Valley users, is almost complete. Council's contractors are scheduled, weather permitting, to seal the road and road verge parking areas this weekend. There will be some landscaping and planting over the next few months to complete the project.
- Completion of Waipa State Mill Road was delayed due to ongoing wet weather during the past few months. The contractors required several consecutive dry days before they can seal.
- The bypass road and Waipa State Mill road upgrade had a budget of $1.324m, assisted by a generous grant of $439,000 from RECT. The project is on budget.
*NOTE: work being done by RLC at Waipa supports other developments being undertaken by the BMX Club, Red Stag and others. Click HERE for overall info re the Waipa Valley developments