22 February 2017
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy
Council was asked for comment regarding the implementation of the Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy and how it proposed to stop people who chose to smoke in the Smokefree areas.
The Daily Post's questions have not been published at their request.
From Rotorua Lakes Council's Strategic Development Manager, Rosemary Viskovic:
The Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy is just being launched and it's expected it will take a little while to communicate the changes to everybody. More signage will be going up and there will be work done to create awareness that the policy, which was first established in 2008, has been extended to include more public spaces.
This is a policy rather than a bylaw and the extension to the policy was approved by Council in December last year. The policy has been highly effective in existing locations to date such as playgrounds. It works because most people who smoke are considerate and do not smoke in proximity to other people, especially children and young people.
In general, signage indicators to remind people that certain locations are smokefree, and the absence of ashtrays deters smoking in those places. There is no need to punish anyone under this policy.
Educating people about the policy extends to our staff for whom we also provide quit support if they want it.
Members of the public already politely ask people to not smoke in a variety of locations if it is affecting them. Society is slowly changing attitudes towards smoking, but this has occurred progressively over many years and this is just one more step in the process.
Council's focus is on creating healthy public spaces and working with our partners in this - Healthy Families Rotorua, Toi te Ora, Manaaki ora, Cancer Society, Heart Foundation and Lakes DHB and others - to educate, support and create positive change. We are confident that change will happen over time.