22 April 2020
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Roadworks completed during COVID-19 lockdown
Can I please get some figures around the roadwork projects completed in the past four weeks, while there's been significantly less cars on the road.
From you, I will just be needing any projects that have been done on roads that come under the council's jurisdiction. I have also gone to NZTA.
Could you also please specify when each project was started and finished (or projected to finish). The budget for each project and the final cost
Could I also please get comment around whether the number of projects was increased to take advantage of the lack of cars on the road or whether you've just been able to finish the existing projects more quickly.
If there has been no marked increase in roading projects completed, could you please explain why
From Rotorua Lakes Council's General Manager of Infrastructure, Stavros Michael:
During COVID-19 Level 4 lockdown, in line with the Government's directive, Rotorua Lakes Council roading services, and all other critical infrastructure services, have been focussed onto maintaining service safety and reliability, whilst ensuring the safety of our staff and contractors.
Council staff have continued essential maintenance works to ensure that our roads are safe during this time.
All Council planned upgrade or surface renewal roadworks projects, that were deemed not immediately essential for safety or reliability, were put on hold during the Level 4 lockdown period.
This delay will lead to extensions on the time required to complete these projects.