21 September 2018
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Mamaku stormwater drains
You may be aware of this complaint but we have been contacted by residents in Mamaku complaining about their stormwater drains.
- Does the council consider these drains a health and safety issue?
- Is anything being done to address concerns? If so what, and at what cost.What is the council policy around open stormwater drains?
- How does this relate to the Mamaku Development Plan of 2002? It is mentioned by the complainant but I can't find much about this?
- The complaint states Shirley Trumper of the rural community board has not advocated for funding to complete the project. Do you have any thing to prove otherwise?
- The complainant says rates have gone up in Mamaku yet residents don't have basic infrastructure. Can you respond to this statement?
Please feel free to add anything further you think would help in the response.
Further question:
The reporter referred to the Mamaku Development Plan on Council's website at https://www.rotorualakescouncil.nz/our-council/officialinformation/OIA2018/Documents/Mamaku_Stormwater_Catchment_Management_Plan-Sigma-December_2003_Redacted.pdf
In it, on page 12 it says: The stormwater infrastructure in Mamaku is predominantly an open system .. In response to requests from the public, Council has agreed to largely replace all open drains with a piped network in residential areas"
Do you know if this has progressed at all? The plan is from 2003.
Please attribute the following to Infrastructure General Manager Stavros Michael -
Rotorua Lakes Council is working alongside the Rural Community Board and the Mamaku Residents and Ratepayers Group to consider and prioritise infrastructure capital investment in Mamaku. Such investment is on top of normal asset maintenance investment for existing roads, pipes, pumps etc.
Rates contribute to numerous Council activities benefiting all our communities and outside of infrastructure. However in alignment with the long term Mamaku Development Plan Council has, in the past few years, invested in excess of $4 million into key infrastructure upgrades in Mamaku village. The work has included upgrades to eight roads, installation of streetlights, parking and footpath improvements and the work to upgrade the water treatment plant which is currently underway.
In recent years Council has also invested in the Mamaku community via the Neighbourhood Matching Fund, in creating the Mamaku youth space upgrades and by supporting a number of community clean ups.
Council has approximately 150km of open drains across the entire district. Almost all infrastructure networks (roads, buildings, water and sewerage network etc) come with a certain amount of risk and it is Council's responsibility to assess that risk and mitigate it accordingly. Factors such as historical incidents and the likelihood of future injury influence Council's assessment in risk and as we have no record of incidents we can say these drains are considered low risk.
Response from Rotorua Rural Community Board chair Shirley Trumper
The rural board has approximately 8000 residents, spread over 8 communities, 3 rural villages and many businesses. The board was implemented to provide advocacy on numerous rural issues.
We are willing to work with residents from our rural network who are willing to work with us to find practicable solutions. Our 10 year Strategy document outlines our goals and objectives and supports Council's Long Term Plan.
The board has no input into the funding of infrastructure and or priorities, as much as we would like to move faster, changing policy or priorities takes time.
You can find the strategy document HERE
Response to further question:
From Infrastructure General Manager Stavros Michael -
In addition to footpath upgrades, road sealing and installing street lighting, Council has carried out upgrades to stormwater assets on Karamu Street, Mauku Road, Mamaku Street, Maraeroa Road, Umuroa Street and South Road since 2003.