21 November 2018
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Tauranga CBD begging bylaw
I am writing a story about Tauranga Council's decision to ban begging and rough sleeping within 5m of public entrances to retail or hospitality premises in the Tauranga City, Greeton and Mount Maunganui CBDs.
I would like comment from Rotorua Lakes Council in regard to whether they would consider a similar ban being imposed in the Rotorua CBD.
Also, have Lakes Council received many complaints from retailers of people with hospitality premises within the CBD in relation to rough sleepers or beggars? If so, are complaints increasing?
NOTE: See BOPTimes story re Tauranga City Council bylaw re begging and sleeping rough at this link - https://www.nzherald.co.nz/bay-of-plenty-times/news/article.cfm?c_id=1503343&objectid=12163359
From Kaiwhakahaere Māori (Group Manager Māori), Gina Rangi:
This is not something that has come to Council for its consideration.
Regarding homelessness, Council's primary focus has been to work collaboratively with other organisations that have expertise in this area to deliver long-term solutions.
The Ministry of Social Development has made a commitment to our community that no one needs to be sleeping rough and continues to offer support to help people into emergency accommodation. We also understand that Visions of a Helping Hand continue to run their night shelter services from the Pukuatua Street premises.
We welcomed the Government's announcement last month that the Housing First programme would be rolled out in the Rotorua district. The programme is a partnership between LinkPeople, Lifewise and Taumata o Ngāti Whakaue Trust, organisations that are already doing great work in our community.
Council is aware there are some concerns about loitering and anti-social behaviour in the inner city and there have been concerns about rough sleepers but that has declined in recent times and we continue to work closely with local businesses, the police and Māori wardens to address these issues to ensure Rotorua is a safe and enjoyable place to be.
We need to work together as a community to help people into housing and ensure that they have access to the wrap around support that many of them need.
Further information:
- Collaborative response media release published by LifeWise
- For convenience the following media inquiry/ response (right at the bottom from March 2) about the one page homelessness head count may be helpful
- Homelessness report that went to Council's O&M Report (7 June 2018) can be found from page 67 onwards
- In case you haven't seen it, here is the statement that we provided in response to a media inquiry we received yesterday about the night drop-in centre that's run by Tiny Deane
In August, Mayor Steve Chadwick wrote a piece about the housing challenges in Rotorua which may be of use to you. Here is the link to the story
Last year Council recorded four complaints from retailers about begging, none to date this year. Other complaints will have been dealt with directly by city guardians or the police.
If people witness illegal behavior or feel that their safety is at risk they should contact the police by phoning 111.
Media: Rotorua Daily Post for Bay of Plenty Times story
Topic: Tauranga CBD begging bylaw
Reporter sought comment from mayor re would Rotorua Lakes Council consider a similar ban and if so, what would be the potential pros and cons of that (ie how woiuld that help Rotorua)
Reporter explained the comment was sought a BOP Times story with comments from Mayors throughout the country about the Tauranga City Council ban.
From Rotorua Mayor Steve Chadwick:
Our council works collaboratively with other organisations and agencies like the Ministry of Social Development and police to address the likes of homelessness or behaviour issues.
I'm not able to say whether the way this is being dealt with elsewhere would be appropriate for Rotorua as it's not something we have discussed or considered as a Council at this time.