21 May 2020
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Safety perceptions
I am after some comment from the mayor about poor perception of safety in Rotorua.
Following a survey stating people were less likely to experience crime in the Bay of Plenty, locals said Rotorua was not safe and crime was in fact getting worse.
I'd like the mayor's thoughts on whether she agrees Rotorua is more unsafe than it was 10 years ago or whether it's a perception problem.
If the latter, what does she think needs to be done to improve that perception. What does she think has caused that perception?
Also, what impact could it have on the city's ability to recover economically from Covid, in particular through tourism, if there is a perception that Rotorua is dangerous and full of crime.
It has been said that it is primarily the homeless who are contributing to this perception which undeniably has risen in recent years. Business owners complained about having homeless in the city, now locals complain about having homeless near the suburbs. Is there a solution to this problem (e.g. council-owned land that could be converted?) that could make people feel safer?
See the perceptions of safety report referred to in this enquiryHERE
From Mayor Steve Chadwick:
It's really important locals and visitors feel safe and Rotorua continues to be a place people want to live and visit.
Feelings of safety are dependent on many factors, and improved safety remains a priority for Council as part of our ongoing commitment to create a better place for everyone.
We are working closely with Central Government and its agencies, with iwi, police, communities and local organisations, to address social issues like housing, economic and social deprivation and crime. These problems - all of which impact on perceptions of safety - existed before COVID-19 and will be amplified through increased unemployment and hardship as we work towards recovery.
So this collaborative work is more important than ever. We'll need a whole-of-community effort and a whole-of-government response that includes all agencies tasked with addressing these social issues. Our housing strategy, for instance, will need to be supported by effective wrap-around social services and facilities to address the likes of addiction.
The Government says nobody needs to be homeless - there are services available. An inner city homeless shelter is not a long-term solution but perceptions of safety created by homelessness can't be solved by simply relocating people - underlying social issues need to be addressed.
CBD safety was an issue prior to the increased visibility of homelessness and various initiatives have been undertaken to improve safety, including our ongoing collaboration with the police.
Media: RotoruaNow
Topic: Rotorua Night Market
I was wondering if I'd missed a recent update regarding the Night Market and Sunday Farmers' Market?
If not, could I please request an update on if and when these markets will re-open? And under what conditions.
The following information was provided:
Rotorua Night Market
While we can't run the normal Night Market under Level 2, we have exciting news coming out tomorrow morning about a new-look market taking place on Thurs 28 May. I will ensure you are on the media email that is coming out.
Rotorua Farmers Market
We are currently talking to our regular Farmer's Market stallholders to see whether they have sufficient produce to sell. We are considering various options for the Farmers Market including trading from the normal Farmers Market site at Te Manawa, trading from our Rain Day Store on Hinemoa Street, or waiting until spring when there is a wider variety of seasonal fresh produce available. We will let the community know as soon as we are ready to go.
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Iwi consultation on proposed airport developments
I'm interviewing Renee Kiriona today who is leading an iwi group that is forming to express concerns to the Crown and the Rotorua Airport about planned developments on airport land.
In a nutshell, they say they are concerned the land which was taken from them under the Public Works Act in the 1960s is now being re-purposed and iwi haven't been consulted.
- Is the council aware of the iwi's concerns?
- Has the council met with iwi to discuss the concerns?
- Will any changes to the airport developments be made as a result of the concerns? Where to now?
- How will the developments help Rotorua and iwi?
- Feel free to add anything you think is relevant.
I realise this is possibly only in the early stages and the council might not have had a chance to fully meet or hear the concerns in detail, however, any comment you can make would be great thank you.
The following response and information was provided. The reporter also spoke with Airport CE Mark Gibb:
From council spokesperson:
This is a matter for the Airport company but our organisation is aware of concerns expressed by Ms Kiriona and understands the Airport CE has spoken with her.
Additional information provided:
You will need to refer your enquiry to airport CE Mark Gibb for further info you have sought as the airport is a CCO so operates independently of Council. To assist with your understanding of this I thought the following might be helpful:
As a CCO the airport operates independently of Council, it manages its own operations and has its own decision-making board. Council is the shareholder.
Every year Council and the CCO agree on a Statement of Intent which outlines what the CCO will do in that coming year. That's the case for all CCOs (so also Rotorua Economic Development and InfraCore).
The CCOs report quarterly - publicly - to elected members via the Operations & Monitoring Committee and the airport has been reporting on its master plan (which these proposed developments are part of) for about three years now.
You can find the current version of the airport master plan on the airport website
- THIS LINK was provided