20 June 2017
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Building panels - London fire follow up
In the wake of the London fire, can you please confirm whether any buildings in the Rotorua district have been constructed with aluminium composite panels?
If so, which buildings are they? And are any steps being taken to check their compliance with fire standards?
I understand the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment has also been contacting councils to check this, so hopefully this information will already be available or in the process of being collated.
Please see response below from Consents Solutions Manager, Jason Ward -
The Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment has indicated to us that it will be in contact shortly with the specifics of what they need regarding the use of this type of material on buildings in Rotorua.
Once we know what technical information they need, we will assess our records. This process may take some time if each individual Building Consent needs to be checked.
We anticipate that we will be working closely with the Ministry during this time.