19 February 2018
Media Enquiries
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Maori wards
In light of the discussion in Whakatane regarding Maori wards (read here) the reporter asked if there had been any discussion within Council and where our Council stands on the issue.
The reporter was referred to each elected member to seek their individual views.
The following information was provided:
- Rotorua Lakes Council debated the issue of Maori wards in November 2014 and at that time voted unanimously against introducing Maori wards
- Representation for the 2016 and 2019 elections was considered in the 2015 Representation Review (which resulted in the establishment of a second community board ie the rural board + reduction in number of councillors from 12 to 10). The question of Maori wards was not part of that review as the matter had already been discussed and resolved the previous November (as required by the Local Government Act).
- Council has not re-debated the subject of Maori wards.
- If the council were to reconsider it and decided to introduce Maori wards, the earliest it could come into effect would now be the 2022 elections.
- There was the opportunity during an RLC Representation Review for the public to force a public poll which could potentially have reversed that decision (this requires a minimum of 5% of registered voters to demand a poll). That did not happen.
- Councils have to ensure there is a mechanism for Maori participation in decision-making and the Te Arawa Partnership (giving Te Arawa positions and voting rights on RLC's committees) is considered the mechanism for enabling that locally.