18 September 2017
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Airport update
I am wanting some data for the Rotorua Airport.
Can I have the parking revenue broken down by year for Short Term or Long term car parks from 2014 to 2017 to date.
Also what happened with the design and costings for Rotorua Airport's $4.9 million upgrade - where is that at and why?
Plus how much debt is currently owed on the Rotorua Airport and how much has been paid down off that debt in the last five years to date - and will there be any additional debt repayments in the next 12 months?
The reporter was referred directly to Rotorua Airport Limited CE Mark Gibb.
Mr Gibb provided a Rotorua Airport Limited quarterly update during the Operations & Monitoring Committee hui of 7 September 2017.
View Mr Gibb's update on Council's website at THIS LINK (Airport update starts 51 minutes in)
His presentation slides are available at THIS LINK on Council's website.