17 December 2019
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Council CE role to be advertised
I'm working on a story about the recruitment for the chief executive's role.
I note the press release says he doesn't have anything further to add, but I'd really like to give Geoff the opportunity to talk with me about what he's done in the role, how he feels about having to re-apply and what his plans are if he is unsuccessful. It would be great if I could speak with him directly about this on the phone. Would you be able to help facilitate that? Would be so appreciative!
I'd also be really grateful if you can provide me with a copy of the job description document as well as the current salary figure and/or advertised salary (if they are different).
The reporter was provided with the following additional information for use in his story:
- Following the Council's approval of the process last week, a job description is now being developed.
- Salary will be negotiated with the successful applicant.
- With the process now underway, neither the Mayor nor Mr Williams want to comment further at this stage. Regarding current CE remuneration, the reporter was referred to p137 of the Annual Report for the 2018/19 financial year at the following link on Council's website: https://indd.adobe.com/view/7fd526c5-0732-4857-8f94-0da57c5ef10c