17 April 2020
Media: RotoruaNow
Topic: Evolve Rotorua ideas for the CBD
Reporter requested council or mayoral response to the below press release from Evolve Rotorua.
- Is RLC making plans to do this sort of thing come Alert levels 2 or 3? If so, what?
Evolve Rotorua calls for Council to open more space for people to help fight Covid19
Evolve Rotorua calls for Council to open more space for people in light of the physical distancing required to fight Covid19
With more people than ever out walking and cycling, and less people driving due to Covid19 Alert Level lockdowns, Evolve Rotorua is calling on Rotorua Lakes Council to make better use of public space to allow for physical distancing to prevent the spread of Covid19.
Evolve Spokesperson Andrew Burgess says "This will help to kick-start the inner-city, provide much needed support to small shop owners, and provide safe places for our community to socially connect in a post-Level 4 world where appropriate public spaces are crucial."
Evolve Rotorua are encouraging the Rotorua Lakes Council to take advantage of government funding initiatives to create temporary, fun spaces for families and the wider community to help rebuild. To help revitalise the city this could include the semi-pedestrianisation of Tutanekai Street to make it easier for people to get outside, enjoy the inner city and support small businesses.
Taking Tutanekai Street as a possible example, such development must be done in conjunction with the local business owners so that each block develops its own identity to best suit what works for the businesses in that block and also meet the social distancing requirements. This gives us a chance to try things in our inner city, have direct community input into its development, and make our city more user friendly.
Examples of temporary public spaces/expansion of cycle and walking ways:
https- i.pinimg.com originals 73 1c 3a 731c3aa8c518b3b26591c20837df5553.jpg
https- globaldesigningcities.org wp-content uploads 2017 04 10_A-31-a.jpg
https- at.govt.nz media 1976378 federal-st-painting-update-7.jpg
https- thecityfix.com wp-content uploads 2017 10 SP-F-feature_IT.jpg
https- thecityfix.com wp-content uploads 2017 10 SP_design.jpg
Govt press release about funding for temporary cycleways/footpaths:
From Mayor Steve Chadwick:
It's great to see people and groups are already thinking innovatively and creatively with ideas that can be taken into consideration as part of our economic recovery. We are looking to business leaders in our community to develop, lead and provide direction for strategies to boost our economy.
There is already work underway to review the functionality of our CBD transport network which has a focus on supporting inner city revitalisation. That will now also need to be considered alongside strategies for the recovery and will involve consultation.
I'm also aware that Council's arts and culture team are planning activities aimed at attracting people back into the inner city when those activities can safely be undertaken. So the thinking is already happening and I hope that those in our business communities who want to contribute will connect with the recovery programme.
You can read more about the recovery strategy HERE
Media: Local Democracy Reporter
Topic: Evolve Rotorua ideas for CBD
I was wondering if RLC could please respond to this proposal from Evolve (below) about opening up more pedestrian spaces in Rotorua's CBD for a story to file tomorrow.
And questions from me:
Is the 'pedestrianisation' of some inner-city streets during the lockdown something the council has considered or will now consider? Why / why not?
If so, what are some ideas around that?
Would pedestrianisation of those streets just be for the duration of the lockdown or would it be a permanent change?
What are some challenges that come with the idea?
From Mayor Steve Chadwick:
It's great to see people and groups are already thinking innovatively and creatively with ideas that can be taken into consideration as part of our economic recovery. We are looking to business leaders in our community to develop, lead and provide direction for strategies to boost our economy.
There is already work underway to review the functionality of our CBD transport network which has a focus on supporting inner city revitalisation. That will now also need to be considered alongside strategies for the recovery and will involve consultation.
I'm also aware that Council's arts and culture team are planning activities aimed at attracting people back into the inner city when those activities can safely be undertaken. So the thinking is already happening and I hope that those in our business communities who want to contribute will connect with the recovery programme.
You can read more about the recovery strategy HERE