17 April 2019
Media: Rotorua Weekender
Topic: Anzac Day
I was just wondering if I would be able to get a few extra comments to add to my Weekender Anzac Day story, based around the services which will be taking place on Anzac Day?
- How does it feel to see members of the community come together for these services each year? Why is this coming together of the community important?
- How have you found the turn-out to be over the last few years?
From Mayor Steve Chadwick:
Both the Dawn Service at Ohinemutu and the Civic service later in the day, are very important to so many people in our community. Over the last four years the national WW100 commemorations has bought a renewed focus to ANZAC Day and other military commemorations and we are seeing all generations well represented at both services. I am very much looking forward to our community coming together again next Thursday as we remember those who fought for our country and those who made the ultimate sacrifice.