16 October 2019
Media: Radio Waatea
Topic: Lakefront development
Hoping that the mayor will be available tomorrow morning on Radio Waatea to talk with Dale Husband about the start of the development at the lakefront
*NOTE: See THIS LINK re karakia marking the start of the lakefront redevelopment project
Mayor Chadwick made the following key points during her interview:
- Karakia marking start of earthworks also recognised the partnerships that have been pivotal in seeing this development get underway.
- This has been on successive council agendas since 2006 but not until 3 years ago when new commitments to work in partnership with mana whenua created a genuine opportunity to move it forward.
- Project acknowledges the past while symbolising going forward
- Design is supported by our iwi partners including Gifted Reserves Committee (Pukeroa Ōruawhata Trust) and Te Arawa Lakes Trust.
- Joint vision is to develop outstanding recreational area to benefit locals, support tourism, and encourage private investment - in turn creating new jobs and economic benefit
- Project will also complement Maori investment in our city eg Rotoma No.1 Inc's just announced $80m commercial and hotel CBD development + Pukeroa Oruawhata spa lakefront development
- Partnerships a hallmark of how our Council works, building on Te Arawa partnership - for benefit of all and betterment of our district
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Businesses operating out of houses
I'm hoping you will have the data available to help with the following request:
- How many businesses in Rotorua currently operate out of a residential address? (Please note, by residential address, I mean a house/property that could otherwise be used as a private home in a residential suburb)
- Please provide a list of said businesses and their addresses
- How does the current list compare with the past 5 years (broken down by year)
Depending on what/how much data is available, I will have follow up questions requiring an attributed response.
The following information was provided:
From the data mining we have been able to do there are approximately 180 houses being used for commercial purposes in Rotorua, that Council knows of.
This excludes homes that people live in and operate a business out of (which you indicated you did not want)
We do not have a comparison for the past 5 years.
Re the names of businesses operating from these addresses - this is not information we hold. Council records relate to property owners, not businesses.
Providing the addresses of the approximately 180 properties would require further data mining and we would need to check the amount of work and time required to compile this and potentially, if this work is substantial, the cost of that work. Let us know if you want us to work that out.
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Tiny house consent
I'm just working on a story today about a woman complaining to the regional council, but she does make mentions of her dealings with Lakes Council so I wanted to put her comments to you too.
The part [in her complaint letter] relating to RLC is the first few paragraphs [as follows]:
"In July 2018 I contacted Rotorua Lakes Council in regards to building a Tiny House and putting it on a piece of land in the Rotorua area. They came back and said there wouldn't be a problem. So, I went ahead and signed a contract to have a Tiny House built, my aim being I would be freehold and would only have to work part time and enjoy my life.
"I arrived in Rotorua in November 2018 and started looking for a job and a piece of land to put my dream home on. I got back in touch with Rotorua Lakes Council as to going forward with my plan and how I could work with them to get a Code of Compliance for my new home.
"At this point I would like to make it known that Tiny Houses are not a movement. I have been following the progress of tiny houses for ten years and decided it was the best way for me to achieve the lifestyle I wanted. Councils, banks, insurance companies need to get with the programme that this is the only way forward for a lot of people from many ages, stages and walks of life to be able to own a home.
"In May of this year when I finally got to meet Bush Bester at Rotorua Lakes Council, who was most helpful in me progressing with my plans, where he informs me, I need to get permission from BOP Regional Council for my gray water and my dehydrating toilet. This came as a complete surprise to me as back in July 18 there was no mention of this."
I suppose the main comment you may like to respond to is around not being told by RLC she would have to get permission from BOPRC for the gray water/toilet.
However it may be useful to include background around consents for Tiny Houses.
Do you also have figures around how many have been consented this year?
See below in response to your enquiry. If you can't use Council says and need to attribute you can attribute the first sentence below to a Rotorua Lakes Council spokesman.
Council will speak directly with Ms Kirkman to discuss her concerns rather than dealing with this matter through the media.
Additonal information (not quotes):
Regarding building consents for tiny houses, consents for all houses are recorded simply as houses rather than categories like tiny house. Staff can recall one building consent being processed for a tiny house but we can't tell you exactly when that was.
Note that building consents issued by RLC are for homes built here in Rotorua only.
The Building Act that applies to the building of homes also applies for tiny houses that are deemed to be a building rather than a vehicle. Some of these tiny homes are on wheels and able to be transported so deemed to be a vehicle and in that case building consent isn't required.
*NOTE: The reporter also contacted BOP Regional Council for comment regarding this matter