16 May 2019
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Government funding for forestry
Reporter sought comment from the Mayor on an announcement made this evening by Forestry Minister Shane Jones regarding further funding for forestry and affirming the relocation of the forestry ministry to Rotorua (see release from the Minister attached)
The reporter said Minister Jones had confirmed there should be around 80 for mostly Rotorua locals.
From Mayor Steve Chadwick:
This announcement reaffirms Government's commitment to relocate Te Uru Rākau to Rotorua as the heart of New Zealand's forestry industry, and it's very pleasing to note that employing locals will be a focus for the Ministry - that's important to us.
The aspiration of 80 jobs is substantial. Anything that creates employment and career opportunities locally, for locals, also adds to the ongoing revitalisation of our growing district.
Forestry and wood processing accounts for about 15 per cent of Rotorua's GDP currently. Moving the forestry ministry here may well provide the impetus to further develop the sector locally. One thing I'd like to see happening here is manufacturing of pre-fabricated homes which would provide further employment and economic benefits as well as providing an opportunity to contribute to addressing our housing shortage.
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Wastewater treatment plant sale tip-off
Just emailing after getting a tip off from someone who said the council's Sewerage Plant had been sold?
I don't know how accurate the tip off is but thought it best to chase it up. The person said people were being made redundant and the sale was for $440m.
However he also used the words $440m for 30 years making me think perhaps it's a lease?
Has the council sold the sewerage plant? Or is it in the process of selling the plant
Has the council leased out the sewerage plant or given another business control of it for a period? Or is it in the process of doing so?
Is anyone at the plant being made redundant? If so how many people or FTE?
Your tip-off is incorrect.
As I'm sure you'll be aware though, there is a proposal regarding wastewater services that Council has been consulting on as part of the Annual Plan.
If you haven't already read it, you'll find information about this on pages 14-17 of the 2019/20 Annual Plan information/consultation document
If you're interested in looking at a story related to what's actually happening we would be happy to assist.
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: RLC/Police road safety initiative
Saw on Facebook you guys spent some time at a roundabout today looking at indicating. Guessing you got some fairly high numbers of breaches.
Would it be possible for us to speak to someone who led the activity and report what they found?
From Sustainable Transport Manager Jodie Lawson:
The Indicate campaign is part of Council's annual road safety programme which aims to educate the community to become safer road users.
Our road safety team, in collaboration with the Rotorua Police, held Indicate pit stops over three days at the roundabout intersection of Fenton and Sala Street.
The majority of people stopped simply didn't realise that they had to indicate to leave a roundabout, especially when they were travelling straight through. Others weren't sure of the correct way to indicate depending on where they were travelling.
In 4.5 hours approximately 225 motorists were stopped for either incorrectly indicating or not indicating at all.
Road safety is everyone's responsibility and the campaign's main focus is educating motorists. Instead of fines drivers were provided with either a notepad or an air freshener with information about the correct way to indicate when exiting a roundabout.
The motorists were generally happy about being corrected and grateful for the keepsake to use as a reminder about indicating correctly.
Council works in partnership with the NZ Transport Agency, the Police and other regional road safety coordinators to deliver road safety campaigns throughout the year. Keep an eye out for the next campaign - the Winter Pit Stops - coming up in the next couple of months.
At the pit stops the public will be able to have their vehicles checked free of charge to make sure they are in shape for the winter weather. The checks cover tyres, windows, indicators, rust and lights.
Winter Pit Stop dates:
- 29 May - Toi Ohomai Institute of Technology (Mokoia Campus)
- 17 July - Rotorua Central Mall car park (next to Smiths City)
Why indicate correctly?
By indicating at roundabouts you are not only being courteous to other road users by letting them know where you are going but it also helps to ensure that roundabouts flow as they are supposed to.
If you are unsure about how to indicate correctly at roundabouts visit the NZ Road Code to see diagram examples.