16 March 2017
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Local Approved Products Policy (LAPP)
- How many shops/premises would be available in that small area for people to set up shop?
- When would the policy come into effect?
Clause 6 (i) limits the maximum to 2 retail licences within the District
Anyone wanting to have an outlet would need to apply to the Ministry of Health for their retail licence and as part of that application process (which is controlled by the Ministry) they need to provide a letter from Council stating that they meet our Policy and that we consent to them being granted a retail licence
The policy would come into effect once adopted by Council, dated and signed
Media: Wairarapa News
Topic: CEO pay rates
I'm working on an article about council Chief Executive pay rates throughout the country. As part of this, I'd like to know the total annual pay packet of your council's CEO.
As is reported in Rotorua Lakes Council's 2016 Annual Report regarding CE remuneration:
Salary: $314,952
Professional Association Fees: $275
Total remuneration: $315,227