16 July 2018
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Overnight drop-in centre
A reporter sought an update on the Rotorua night-shelter which is currently acting as an overnight drop in centre.
I have heard the shelter passed on a fire and earthquake report so just wanting to see if the council have received an application for consent now and what the time frame could be.
From Kaiwhakahaere Maori Gina Rangi:
Council staff are continuing to support fire safety experts and structural engineers who have been working on reports for Visions of a Helping Hand's day time and night time centres for the homeless. Council offered to pay for the reports for the night time centre some weeks ago. We haven't received completed reports as yet and as we don't know what the outcome of those will be, we are continuing to explore, with other community groups and agencies, other possible emergency response options that may be available to get us through this winter.
We continue to support the work of Visions of a Helping Hand. We all want the same outcome but as a council need to ensure any building providing overnight accommodation is safe for that purpose. We think that's even more important when dealing with a very vulnerable group of people. Mr Deane has reassured us he will keep to our previous agreement - to operate the night time facility as an overnight drop-in centre, not set up with beds, while we work this through.
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Mudtopia
The reporter sought comment about Mudtopia as it seems discussions are continuing around the event, though the final report has been received by the committee.
At the latest SPF meeting Cr Kumar tried to raise Mudtopia as an urgent item but the chair said that it had already been addressed so would not be discussed.
- Will council disclose a further breakdown of costs which some members of the public and council are calling for?
- Will the event be independently audited?
- Why was it not allowed to be brought up as an urgent item?
From Chief Financial Officer Thomas Coll:
The financials for the Mudtopia event have been reported to elected members and are part of Council's financials for the 2017/18 year. These are currently being audited by Audit New Zealand as part of annual reporting. There has been no directive from elected members to present further on Mudtopia financials.
The reporter was referred to the committee chair, Cr Merepeka Raukawa-Tait who as chair ruled against allowing that to occur re why was it not allowed to be brought up as an urgent item
For further understanding see Council's Standing Orders - the relevant section is probably Appendix 6: Powers of a Chairperson (p68 - see headers Chairperson to decide all questions and Items not on the agenda)