15 September 2020
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Retirement village developments
I am hoping you can help me I am looking for some consent data for retirement villages in Rotorua. There has been some movement in this area according to the Retirement Villages Association of NZ
They say Rotorua District has four villages that are either expanding or are new. 268 new units are planned in Rotorua, adding to the 358 units already there. 420 older people live in Rotorua's retirement villages, which is 9.75% of the +75 population in the district.
I am seeking comment from the villages.
But could you tell me in the last three years, year by year to date how many consents have been issued to retirement villages, who were they issued to and what were they worth?
Also, what will these developments mean for Rotorua in terms of its housing and economy?
Why in your view is Rotorua becoming an attractive destination for retirees?
The following information and comment was provided:
In the last three years, year by year to date how many consents have been issued to retirement villages, who were they issued to and what were they worth?
Lynmore Rise (Owhatiura - Classic Builders) 15 units - $216,000 each
Glenbrae Retirement Village care suite - $2million total
Glenbrae Retirement Village 12 new units - $3.6million total
Bupa Retirement Village Te Ngae Rd 12 units - $1.9million total
What will these developments mean for Rotorua in terms of its housing and economy?
From Council's Operations Group Manager Jocelyn Mikaere:
Generally speaking, retirement developments provide both short and long term employment opportunities which are positive for the economy and increase Rotorua's housing stock with retirees moving into retirement villages freeing up their previous homes.
Why in your view is Rotorua becoming an attractive destination for retirees?
This is not a question for Council. We suggest you speak to the likes of real estate agents, retirement village operators, perhaps organisations that retirees belong to and/or retirees who have moved to Rotorua to retire.
Media: Local Democracy Reporter
Topic: Te Ahi Tupua (Hemo sculpture)
Could you please tell me:
-If there were any unexpected problems installing Te Ahi Tupua the Hemo sculpture?
-Does the internal cone fit within the external cone properly?
-Was any part of the sculpture damaged during installation?
-There have been some comments on social media etc saying the sculpture is quite obscured from view from the road / footpath - was there any particular reason the sculpture was not put on a raised platform in order to be more visible?
-Has the size/scale of the sculpture changed since the original concept drawing (some people are saying it looks a lot smaller in reality than it was depicted in the concept art)?
From Operations Group Manager Jocelyn Mikaere:
We are pleased with Saturday's operation to get Te Ahi Tupua to Hemo gorge. The helicopter transport was text book and both helices are in place in the centre of the roundabout. Kilwell now has some pre-scheduled work to do on site to connect the inner to the outer helix.
The outer helix was secured in place within minutes. However the inner helix, took more manoeuvring than expected to get it into place as the tolerances were very tight between the helices. To restore traffic flow on the day, the inner was temporarily fixed in place within the outer helix and secured to allow the installation team more time to adjust it.
Kilwell and Gurit, the composite engineers have finished the installation of the inner on to the base plinth but this required the temporary removal of several small sections of the inner tube. These tubes and the additional post installation inner to outer tubes will be installed over the next few weeks.
For information (not quotes):
The size and shape is the same as the original construction plans. The picture that is commonly related to Te Ahi Tupua was an artist impression from 2015 and during the journey to complete Te Ahi Tupua, Council has shared more realistic photos of the sculpture. A 3D printed mini version has also been shared with the community since Kilwell Fibretube took over the project. You can view that here
Follow-up enquiry
Noticed these two questions weren't quite addressed:
-Was any part of the sculpture damaged during installation?
-There have been some comments on social media etc saying the sculpture is quite obscured from view from the road / footpath - was there any particular reason the sculpture was not put on a raised platform in order to be more visible?
I've highlighted the part of our response which addresses your first question - the sculpture wasn't 'damaged' but the adjustment did require the temporary removal of several small sections of the inner tube.
I'm not sure if you've been down to check it out but the sculpture is bolted to a raised platform. Are you referring to something more elevated? Also not sure if you're aware but you can actually walk right up to the sculpture using the shared footpaths under the roundabout.
Media: Local Democracy Reporter
Topic: Meeting attendance by elected members
Just following on from this [see previous enquiry and response from Friday 28 August HERE] - to my understanding Councillor Tapsell has missed two meetings since this last update (email below).
Can you please confirm?
Can you please also let me know exactly which meetings it is that Councillor Tapsell has missed (the six)?
Did Cr Tapsell miss any meetings this term up to June 6?
How many times has she been late to meetings since June 6?
How does this compare - which other councillors have been absent from meetings since the term began, and how many meetings have they missed?
Can you please confirm that Councillor Raukawa-Tait has not missed any council meetings since her candidacy on the Māori Party list was announced on August 28?
For [Mayor] Steve [Chadwick]: What is your view of Cr Tapsell missing these meetings?
Attendance records - see THIS LINK - were provided in response to questions 1, 2, 3, 5 & 6.
Re: How many times has she been late to meetings since June 6?
Lateness is recorded in meeting minutes and there are no records in the minutes for this term for lateness re Cr Tapsell. The minutes are a matter of public record and you will find minutes for meetings at THIS LINK if you wish to verify.
From Mayor Steve Chadwick:
This isn't an unprecedented situation and elected members often have to balance dual or multiple roles they may have at any given time. The expectation is that elected members contribute as much as they can and ultimately, each individual takes responsibility for managing that._______________________________________________________________________________________
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Vital Signs report
I'm just getting in touch because in 2018 the regional and district council, alongside Bay Trust, Geyser Community Foundation and RECT commissioned a Vital Signs report into the Rotorua district.
This year, a report for Tauranga has been released HERE and I was wondering if we can expect a 2020 report for Rotorua?
This is a Geyser Community Foundation-led kaupapa (RLC was one of the funders) so you will need to check with them. From memory they were looking to do it every 3 years so we wouldn't be due another one until next year but the Foundation will be able to confirm that with you.________________________________________________________________________________________
Media: TV One
Topic: Rotorua Marathon
We are seeking comment from the Mayor re Aucklanders not being allowed to enter the Rotorua marathon.
Is she available to comment on the impact this will have on the event and the wider community?
The mayor sends her apologies. She is not available sorry due to prior commitments and meetings which run into this evening.
Athletics NZ should be able to talk re impact on event and Rotorua Economic Development may be able to provide insight from tourism/hospitality perspective.
Sorry we weren't able to accommodate your request on this occasion.