15 August 2018
Media: TVNZ
Topic: Former employee Wallace Te Ahuru
I am doing a story about Wallace Te Ahuru who is charged with defrauding the Waitangi National Trust of $1.2 million. He has been charged with a number of offences by the SFO.
I have been told that he used to work for the council when Greg McManus was also there.
Can you please tell me what Te Ahuru was responsible for at the council? What was his job and how long did he work there for?
Were there any concerns about his job? Did he defraud the council of any money?
Information provided:
Mr Te Ahuru was at Rotorua Museum from 2005 to August 2012, initially as a visitor services assistant and later appointed to the role of Business Support Officer. The responsibilities of that role included day to day support for the museum director, financial management, administration and museum tours.
There are privacy considerations in terms of providing more personal information but for your information, there were no issues of concern recorded.