14 March 2019
Media: Daily Post
Topic: Government Gardens parking changes
I have an inquiry please about upcoming changes to Rotorua's inner city parking.
I've seen a flyer being distributed to people parking around the poly spa and blue baths. This might have already been discussed but it doesn't ring a bell and I can't see anything about it online. I only recall consultation on the below areas:
So can you please confirm:
- What is proposed for where?
- When will this be implemented?
- How many car parks will be affected?
- The flyer says some parks will change from all day free parking to P180 free parking, with this change, what car parks and where in the inner city will be available for all day free parking? I know this is a popular place for people to park all day.
- The flyer also says the changes will "ensure car parks are available for customers of businesses in the area" what are some of the businesses this would relate to in this area? As the arts village, poly spas have their own parking
- What consultation has taken place in direct relation to the changes around the blue baths/polynesian spas?
- My colleague also suggests the same area will be $8 a day. Is that true? If so she queries how people on Rotorua wages are expected to afford the cost of parking which will have gone from $0 a day to $8 a day, or, if you choose to migrate to the parking building, from $0 to $20 a week.
From Rotorua Lakes Council's Operations Group Manager, Henry Weston.
"The roll out of the new parking system has contributed to a recent increase in people parking all day in the Government Gardens and outside the Polynesian Pools.
"Council has received feedback that this is putting pressure on businesses in these areas whose customers are now struggling to find a short term park in what is one of Rotorua's prime tourist destinations.
"As a result of this feedback, we are working with affected businesses and clubs to find suitable short term and long term solutions.
"The short term solution to help relieve this pressure is to change 15 car parks outside the Blue Baths and 13 car parks outside the Polynesians Pools from all day free parking to P180 free parking. This is consistent with other adjustments being made within the CBD. These changes should be implemented within the next week and a half.
"Free all day parking remains on the outskirts of the city. We acknowledge that some CBD workers have needed to change their parking habits following the roll out of the new parking system.
"We are currently considering a number of options to ensure that adequate provision for CBD worker parking is maintained to help alleviate these pressures.
"Once the full rollout of the new parking system is complete, Council will release a map confirming the location of the various parking areas. This is intended to help people identify the best place to park based on what they need to do in the CBD."
Media: Daily Post
Topic: Rotorua jobseeker numbers
I'm doing a story about [the number of people on] Jobseeker support in Rotorua, and the figures for the year to December 2018 from Infometrics and MSD.
They show that although the number of Rotorua recipients increased by 1.9 per cent from 3365 to 3428, nationally the number of recipients increased by 4.8 per cent from 120,487 to 126,240.
The percentage of Rotorua residents getting Jobseekers support in the year to December 2017 was 7.5 per cent and then 7.6 per cent in the year to December 2018, and nationally it was 3.8 per cent in the year to December 2017, and 4.0 per cent in the year to December 2018.
I am hoping to please get some comment from the mayor Steve Chadwick to include in the story about Jobseekers in Rotorua
My questions for the mayor are:
Do these figures reflect what you're hearing from Rotorua residents?
What effect do you expect the rise in minimum wage in April to have on the number of Jobseekers here?
Why do you think that the number of Jobseekers in Rotorua has not risen as quickly in the past year as it has nationally?
See below from the mayor for your story. She isn’t able to provide an expert job market view which a couple of your questions require but has provided a general view. We suggest maybe speaking to the Chamber of Commerce if you haven’t already. I know you’ve already spoken to RED and MSD may also have some insight.
From Mayor Steve Chadwick:
Council’s economic development CCO Rotorua Economic Development is always looking for opportunities to facilitate a joined up approach between employers, educators and recruiters, and working to ensure local needs are a focus in strategies developed by Central Government and other agencies to meet the needs of the job market and/or reduce unemployment.
The data is heartening but we’re still hearing from employers that there are jobs but not always the people with the skills needed to fill them so that link between those skills gaps and what’s offered in terms of education and training remains crucial to providing good pathways to employment for our young people. The focus needs to be around the staircasing of our young people into jobs.
The data we have has shown ongoing growth in the local economy and Infometrics noted in its latest quarterly report (for December 2018 year) that ocal unemployment rates are approaching decade-long lows so that is heartening. What will remain key is that any ongoing growth in our economy also converts into jobs.
The Daily Post also received comment from Rebecca Wright, Executive Manager Investment, Growth and Intelligence at Rotorua Economic Development:
"One of the things I think we're doing really well in Rotorua is taking a more joined up approach to supporting job seekers.
"Rotorua Economic Development's role in this process is to create opportunities to bring employers, educators and recruiters together to discuss the shared challenges and opportunities facing Rotorua's labour market. We're also working with the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) and the Employers and Manufacturers Association (EMA) at a local level to ensure Rotorua's needs are well represented in the development of a Bay of Plenty wide labour market strategy.
"It's particularly important to establish a clear pathway to employment when businesses are considering growth or relocation. That means thinking about long term employment needs and working with tertiary education providers and recruiters to develop the right job seekers for specific roles at the right time."
NOTE: For your reference/interest, you'll find the December 2018 quarterly economic report from Infometrics HERE on Council's website