12 March 2020
Media: NZME (Rotorua Daily Post and BOP Times)
Topic: Council building "green" ratings
Kia ora councils,
Some of you may be familiar with an assessment released by the New Zealand Green Building Council this week that ranks each council and its building on a 0 to 6 star rating level (0 is not good).
NOTE: the assessment was not provided or readily available. Nor did the reporter have a copy.
I've found what ratings each of you have been given (below in black) and would appreciate a response to this please. I will need a response by 11am tomorrow.
Tauranga City Council 2.5-3.5 stars
Western Bay of Plenty District Council 4-5 stars
Bay of Plenty Regional Council 5-6 stars
Rotorua Lakes Council 3-4 stars
Whakatāne District Council 4-5 stars
The NZGBC has said no Bay of Plenty council rated themselves on the Government-backed energy performance scheme NABERSNZ, which was why their information for the ratings stemmed from a LGOIMA request. Please note, they've released this data as 'indicative' for this reason. However, NZGBC still raised concern that because none of our councils are rating themselves on this programme, our councils do not necessarily know how much energy, if any, they are wasting and which areas they could improve efficiency on. To quote NZGBC "... our own councils and their ratepayers are in the dark regarding the performance of their buildings".
Can we please have a response to this? Is this a fair comment?
do you agree with the rating your council has received? If so why? If not, why not?
will the council consider joining NABERSNZ now? And why has the council not done so until now (or not at all)?
what is your council's stance on climate change and how is the council working towards meeting its climate change goals and what are those goals?
And for Tauranga City Council:
why do you think you stand out as a poorer performer for energy efficiency compared to the other BOP councils? And what are you doing to improve this, if anything?
Please do not hesitate to including any additional information you feel is important.
From Group Manager Strategy & Partnerships, Jean-Paul Gaston:
Rotorua Lakes Council has been monitoring its carbon footprint since 2016, following a GHG Protocol and Scope 3 Guide of international best practice. Council is committed to sustainable thinking and leadership in all areas of its activity, including wastewater systems, buildings, solid waste management and sustainable transport provision. The Council building was built in 1986 and we have been working to make it and all activities on site as energy efficient and sustainable as possible. This includes utilizing geothermal heating, installing LED lighting, phasing out single use plastic cups and coffee cups, implementing recycling stations and energy efficient initiatives, as well as providing e-bikes, electric scooters and electric vehicles for employee transport use and video conference facilities to reduce travel. Council are committed to responding to and working to lessen the impacts of climate change in the District, including with a climate action plan under the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, with a target of compliance by 2021.
Media: Local Democracy Reporter
Topic: Rotorua Lakes Council child equity programme
I'm working on a story about the child equity programme pilot discussed at SP&F [Strategy, Policy & Finance Committee] today.
Can you please tell me:
a) what the the staff costs were for the project? I realise this is one person, so if you can't tell me the exact figure can you please advise me of the salary bracket?
b) please clarify what the $10,000 figure for the programme was for? (not in detail, just clarify that point - e.g. "for general outlay such as x, x and x"). What budget line does that $10,000 come from?
I was also wondering if the council would be willing/able to supply the picture of the children by the pool with their backs turned to the camera?
Information provided by Council:
a) What the staff costs were for the project? I realise this is one person, so if you can't tell me the exact figure can you please advise me of the salary bracket?
Council allocated a part time staff member (0.7 FTE / 30 hours per week) to support and facilitate this project. This staff member has continued with a range of other projects, but we have estimated that approximately 80% of those 30 hours is dedicated to supporting this initiative.
Please note Council is withholding details of this staff member's remuneration under section 7(2)(a) of the LGOIMA to protect the privacy of natural persons'.
b) b) please clarify what the $10,000 figure for the programme was for? (not in detail, just clarify that point - e.g. "for general outlay such as x, x and x"). What budget line does that $10,000 come from?
The $10,000 was for a contract to provide an independent evaluation of the programme and this came from the Strategy operating budget.
I was also wondering if the council would be willing/able to supply the picture of the children by the pool with their backs turned to the camera?
Yes, see attached. This is from Sunset Primary's FB page.