12 December 2017
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Hamurana clean-up
Reporter sought information about recent Hamurana clean-up:
- About how many people took part in the clean up? Was it the general public who took part? When and where was it held?
- What sort of work was involved in the clean up?
- How much rubbish was picked up?
- Was it just general rubbish or other items as well?
- Are these clean ups something that happen regularly? How often? If not, are you looking to make it more regular?
- Why is it important for the community to hold these types of clean ups?
25 people took part in a general public clean-up starting at the Playground opposite Turner Road, on Saturday morning 9 Dec.
Volunteers were given safety gloves and rubbish bags.
20 x 100 litre bags of rubbish were collected and vegetation was tidied up.
General rubbish was collected plus six car tyres and an assortment of tree branches and other vegetation waste.
More FM did a barbecue and Smart Environment were on hand to take the rubbish away.
Council regularly supports community clean-ups like this. Last month there was a clean-up of Dansey Road, in Mamaku. This clean-up received assistance from Council's Neighbourhood Matching Fund.
From Rotorua Lakes Council Sustainability Advisor Monica Quirke:
This was a great community effort - the Hamurana community are very active and proactive when it comes to being involved in maintaining and enhancing community spaces. We got a lot done.
Clean ups like these bring people together, create awareness, connect families and empower communities to improve and take care and ownership of their spaces.
Sometimes Council organises or coordinates these activities and at other times we provide support and equipment.
Additional information provided:
For more information on the Neighbourhood Matching Fund go to: http://www.rotorualakescouncil.nz/our-city/community-development/grantsandfunding/Pages/default.aspx
For more information on Rotorua2030 goals go to: http://www.rotorualakescouncil.nz/Rotorua2030/goals/Pages/default.aspx)
Community contacts involved were also provided.
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Latest Infometrics quarterly economic report for Rotorua
Reporter contacted Deputy Mayor Dave Donaldson as economic portfolio lead to discuss latest Infometrics (for year to September)
Cr Donaldson stated that the latest data gives us confidence we are on the right track with our growth assumptions, our spatial plan and our infrastructure planning
View the Infometrics quarterly economic report for Rotorua - September 2017 year - at THIS LINK