10 September 2020
Media: Local Democracy Reporter
Topic: Sir Howard Morrison Performing Arts Centre project progress
I spoke to Glenys Searancke after the [Strategy, Policy & Finance Committee] meeting [today] and she had a few comments I'd like to put to the council for right of reply.
Former councillor and Rotorua Musical Theatre member Glenys Searancke said she was concerned about the delays with the project [SHMPAC].
"They [the council] need to consult the people that have worked in that theatre. The presentation today did not outline any of the changes we believe have been made.
"We are also concerned about the spiralling cost."
From Operations Group Manager Jocelyn Mikaere:
There has been ongoing consultation with key stakeholders, and in particular the local performing arts community, throughout this project to date. That has included stakeholder and wider community presentations at concept design and preliminary design stages, with the opportunity to provide feedback and have input into the critical early design phases of the project. This feedback has all been considered and acted upon where appropriate and possible, and the current design reflects that feedback.
There is also a comprehensive website [see HERE] detailing the progress and status of the project. This is currently being updated with the latest designs and information.
We are working with a very complex Category 1 heritage building - the upfront planning and investigation work has been necessarily comprehensive and takes time. That has also been exacerbated by COVID-19.
Detailed design is now complete, resource and building consents have been granted, and pending Council approval, construction will get underway next month.
Following today's presentation to the Council's Strategy, Policy & Finance Committee, a public presentation is scheduled for Tuesday, 15 September, midday at Rotorua Library Te Aka Mauri.