10 March 2020
Media: Local Democracy Reporter
Topic: Wastewater discharge
I understand the council has withdrawn from the plan to discharge treated wastewater into Lake Rotorua (as part of the proposed upgrade to the Rotorua wastewater treatment plant) and pursue a different plan. Is that correct?
The reporter was informed that the information he had received was incorrect.
Media: NZME (Rotorua Daily Post and BOP Times)
Topic: One year since Christchurch mosque shootings
Hi, I'm doing a story one-year post Christchurch attacks for the Rotorua Daily Post and would like the mayor's comments for my feature. Here's what I want to know:
1) What has changed (if at all) in terms of attitudes and behaviours in NZ towards Muslims?
2) What kinds of things can we do within our communities to promote more cultural understanding?
From Rotorua Mayor, Steve Chadwick:
A year on from the Christchurch attacks, our thoughts remain with the Muslim community in Christchurch who suffered so greatly.
Following the shooting last year, in Rotorua, and all over the country, communities came together very quickly because we were horrified that such a terrible act had taken place in New Zealand. It was a brutal lesson to learn, that our little country, so far away from the rest of the world, was not immune to hate.
The events did not divide us, they brought us closer together and made us stronger. I believe people have become more aware of what's happening around them, have made a bigger effort to learn about and celebrate our country's diversity and our tolerance for prejudice, no matter how small, has reduced. It has also been wonderful to have the Rotorua Multicultural Council working with our community and showing their support.
Going forward we must continue to come together in solidarity, to make efforts to know our neighbours, to learn about multiculturalism and embrace our diversity. It is extremely important that we call out prejudice by becoming informed, educated and by making friends.
Our challenge is to show in our own behaviour the sort of Rotorua and the sort of New Zealand we want to live in. It is up to all of us to make sure that nothing like this happens here again.
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Topic: Mobile security camera in Kuirau Park
Can the council please let me know answers to the following by 1pm today?
- When did the council put in the mobile security camera at Kuirau Park?
- Why?
- Have police been called as a result of what has been seen?
- Is it proving a good deterrent?
From Operations Group Manager Jocelyn Mikaere:
"The security camera is part of the joint inner city safety campaign between council and police.
"The aim of the mobile camera is to deter anti-social and criminal behaviour and provide council and police with additional surveillance in particular areas as required. Currently it is proving to be effective in Kuirau Park and helps us ensure visitors to the park are respectful of both the space and of other park users.
"Council continues to work closely with the police to address anti-social and criminal behaviour in the wider CBD as part of the ongoing inner city safety campaign.
"This mobile camera is in addition to the 48 fixed CCTV cameras throughout the CBD. Monitoring of these cameras increased when the joint council/police inner city safety campaign began in late 2018.
"Council's Safe City Guardians, security partners and police also continue to patrol daily in the wider CBD area, including parks, dealing with issues and engaging with the public.
"Anti-social or criminal behaviour should not be tolerated.
"It is vital that people report anti-social and criminal behaviour or incidents to the police immediately so that action can be taken and so that council and the police are able to get an accurate picture of what is occurring.
"The camera was moved to Kuirau Park followings its use at the Lakeside concert.
"Council and the police decide where the camera is located and Kuirau Park was deemed the next most appropriate location for additional security monitoring.
"The police have not been called in relation to any specific activity witnessed via the security camera."