10 February 2017
Media: Rotorua Daily Post
Inquiry: Western banks Lake Rotorua
Trustees of the Ngati Ngararanui Hapu Trust out by Waiteti have said they are sick of the damage and build up of run-off from farms on the western banks of Lake Rotorua to the point where they are considering taking council/regional council to environment court to regain control over the area.
They said the care of that side of the lake has been negligent and has resulted in a "rotting, dying" lake.
1. What involvement does RLC have in the maintenance and improvement of the banks of Lake Rotorua?
2. Has there been any investigation into the receding shoreline of the western bank and the creation of stagnant lagoons?
3. Does the council believe enough is being done to improve the situation?
4. The trustees believe the the receding shoreline is the result of run off after floods that have been left to solidify over years. Does the council acknowledge this is the case or is there another explanation for the stench, lagoons, stagnation and receding shoreline?
Sport and Recreation Manager Rob Pitkethley:
Rotorua Lakes Council has responsibility for many lakeside reserves in the district including at the mouth of the Waiteti Stream, council's Sport and Recreation Manager Rob Pitkethley says.
In recent times we have done a lot of work at the Reeme Street Reserve, which borders part of the Waiteti Stream mouth, to increase public usability of the area and a stormwater discharge area is being tidied up and planted. Where erosion prevention is required on a reserve, council undertakes planting or constructs rock walls but that's not been a problem at the Reeme Street Reserve.
We have not been contacted by the hapu but would be more than happy to speak with them to discuss their concerns, Mr Pitkethley says.