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The story of our symbol
Tā tohu kōrero
The chant for warmth from Ngātoroirangi to his sisters Kuiwai and Haungaroa courses through this mark. A shimmering acknowledgement to the whakapapa of this place.
Ko ngā pūmanawa e waru o Te Arawa. Cloaked by the eight peaks, recognising the eight beating hearts of Te Arawa.
Formed of 18 glowing droplets, reflecting the mauri of the 18 lakes found within this place.
A whirlpool which drew in a cluster of Mangōpare, the guardians of our voyaging spirit.
Kauae ki runga, kauae ki raro, a symbol that coils upward, connecting the earth to the sky, the physical to the spiritual.
Embodied through the expression of our unique taonga, our luminous geysers. This mark is an acknowledgement of our shared past and a radiant projection of our shared future. Acting as an invitation for everyone to add their warmth and make our tomorrow vibrant.
Ko tēnei te hīnātore o Te Rotorua nui ā-kahu-matamomoe.
This is Rotorua, a place of true warmth.