Applying for Alcohol Licences
Find out about the process for applying for a new alcohol (liquor) licence for your on-licence, off-licence or club.
Before you apply
Planning and building considerations
For new licences
You need to get Certificates of Compliance for your licensed premises. These certificates state that the proposed use of the premises (for an alcohol licence) will meet the requirements of the Building Code and Resource Management Act 1991.
For variations
Include your Planning Certificate with your application.
Before you lodge a new application, we recommend you discuss your proposed business with our Planning Department first. They can assess whether you will need resource consent.
Get the right licence type
You will need the correct licence for the type of premises (on-licence, off-licence, club or special licence). Use their respective forms below for new applications, renewals and variations.
On-licence (such as a restaurant, hotel, or boat)
Authorizes the sale and supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises or conveyance, including a restaurant, hotel, plane or boat.
Off-licence (such as bottle shop or supermarket)
Authorizes the sale or delivery of alcohol for consumption off the premises (for example, a bottle shop or supermarket).
Club licence
Authorizes the sale and supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises to members of the club and their guests, and members of other clubs who hold reciprocal visiting rights.
Special licence and large events
A Special Licence authorises the sale and supply of alcohol for consumption on the premises or vehicle to any person attending an occasion or event, for example a sporting event or wedding.
Under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act, applications must be submitted at least 20 working days before the event, excluding weekends, public holidays, and the period from 20 December to 15 January, both dates inclusive.
Large events
For large events like festivals with over 400 attendees, the Rotorua District Licensing Committee requires applications to be submitted at least 3 months in advance. See page 8 of the Special Licence application form below.
Temporary authority
Authorizes the temporary transfer of the current on or off-license for purchased premises. This is initially issued for 3 months to allow the applicant to obtain a full license in their own name.
Gather your supporting documents
Use the checklist on your application to ensure you are providing the right information first time. This can include:
- Scale plan of the licensed area
- Menu
- Area map showing where the premises is located
- Landowners' permission
- Company certificate/certificate of incorporation.
Employ certified managers
Make sure you have adequate Certified Duty Managers (under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012) to cover your applied-for hours. Visit the Manager's Certificates page to get application forms and to let us know of any management changes.
How to apply
- Download the application form for the type of licence you need above
- Complete all questions on the application form and checklist
- If you have any questions about your application, please email the licensing team at
- Email your completed application to Rotorua Lakes Council to process via
- Publicly notify your application (find out how in the following section)
- Council staff will check your application is complete and send you an invoice. We will start processing after you pay
- After processing, Council will forward your application to the Rotorua District Licensing Committee for a decision.
Notifying the public
For on-, off- or club licences, you will need to advertise your application publicly within 10 working days after filing your application. You can advertise this either:
- In the classifieds section of the local paper (Daily Post), or
- On Council's external website for a charge of $50.
Place your on-site public notice in an easily read place in your premises, so it's visible from the outside. Take a photo of your notice and send it through to
Application processing times
Allow eight weeks processing time. To avoid delays, make sure you provide all the required documentation.
Five weeks of this processing time is for:
- The public to object
- The police and the Medical Officer of Health to report on your application.
The District Licensing Committee will hold a hearing if:
- The public objects
- Our licensing inspector, police or the Medical Officer of Health opposes your application.
It will take longer to process your application if a hearing is required.
Renewing your alcohol licence
Make sure you apply to renew your on-licence, off-licence or club licence at least 20 working days before it expires. Use the same forms in the above section.