Creative Communities Scheme
Submit completed applications
Completed applications should be sent to Please enclose any other relevant attachments (e.g. financial accounts, letters of support). Alternatively you send via post to:
Julie Parsons
Creative Communities Scheme
Rotorua Lakes Council
Private Bag 3029
Rotorua 3046
Creative Communities NZ Rotorua Scheme applicant guidelines are available in the following languages:
English - (PDF, 1.3MB) | Māori - (PDF, 308KB) | Chinese Traditional - (PDF, 1.1MB) |
Korean - (PDF, 1.2MB) | Fijian - (PDF, 1MB) | Hindi - (PDF, 1MB) |
Niuean - (PDF, 1MB) | Samoan - (PDF, 1MB) | Tuvaluan - (PDF, 1MB) |
Tokelauan - (PDF, 1MB) | Tongan - (PDF, 1MB) |
Creative Communities Rotorua Assessment Committee
The committee membership term is three years with the possibility of serving a second 3yr term. As members are not elected in the same year, the committee always retains some experience.
The current committee is made up of community representatives: Harry Chhagan, Jo-Anne La Grouw, Karisma Vala, Alison Perrin and Tara Prieto with Council representative Karen Barker and Te Tatau o Te Arawa representative Kahutapeka Ututaonga completing the committee.
If you are interested in serving on this committee, please complete the Nomination form below or contact Julie Parsons, Creative Communities Lead at or phone 07 351 7823.
Nomination forms for Creative Communities Rotorua Assessment Committee (DOC, 158KB)
Information about the Creative Communities Scheme is available at the Creative NZ website.